Top 5 Five Horrible Phrogging Incidents From The United States

Dark shadows are dancing across an empty living room, strange noises coming from inside the walls, and the sensation that someone is always watching you all sound like stuff from horror movies. Still, sadly, these things happen all the time. The Phrogging epidemic is an evil trend getting too close for comfort. To clear up the burning question, what is phrogging?, the answer would be that phrogging basically means to sneak into someone else’s house. Typically, phroggers have nowhere else to live. As a result, they hide in walls, crawl spaces, and other obscure locations. They silently study the residents of the house as they settle in. Late at night, phroggers roam the house as the residents are asleep. Sometimes they rearrange or take the homeowner’s belongings while eating their food.

Despite not being much common, incidences of phrogging have long been documented nationally. People now reside in walls, closets, attics, and even crawl spaces; these are a few examples of this horrific development trend. Small things out of place or the disappearance of homeowners’ things serve as the first indication that an intruder is residing in the house. Additional signs of a phrogger’s presence include strange noises and a sense of being watched.

The challenging aspect of this issue is that it can be hard to call the police about anything like a missing coffee pot or grocery items. Usually, the homeowner senses something off for months before the phrogger is eventually discovered. Therefore, the invasion of the home is psychologically and mentally harmful to the residents and physically terrifying for them. Phrogging is a crime that is comparable to burglary or squatting but is significantly more severe. Even after the police apprehend the intruders, the psychological trauma must be dealt with by the residents.

Check out the list of the top 5 five horrible phrogging incidents faced by homeowners:


The Museum’s Phrogger Family

The Museum's Phrogger Family

Police in Carson City, Nevada, observed a two-year-old walking alone in front of the Museum of Northern Nevada in July 2022. The toddler’s older sister identified the museum as her residence when police located her. The officers were suspicious, so they looked into it and found the girl was speaking the truth. They discovered a family of seven’s concealed dwelling quarters inside the museum. The father, Wilbert Calhoun, worked as a janitor at the museum. The manager was his wife. The family had been living in the building covertly for months with their five kids.

Police discovered guns stored in a storage area as they searched further. An AK-47 rifle, three handguns, a short-barrel rifle, a pistol, a suppressor, ammunition, knives, and a taser were all listed in the police report. There was additional drug paraphernalia in the room. Calhoun was detained on suspicion of having weapons and endangering children. The couple lost their jobs. Board members were so shocked that they promptly closed the museum and promised to look into it before reopening.


Phrogger From The Crawl Space

Phrogger From The Crawl Space

A man emerged from a crawl space under a house in Hopewell, Virginia, in November 2021, as observed by a driver on a nearby street. The man was carrying a pillow and a backpack. The driver called the police because he was concerned about a potential break-in. The man was gone when the police arrived. When the police looked more closely, they discovered food wrappers and cigarette butts in the crawl area.

Everything became clear to homeowner Kasey Falls all of a sudden. Falls informed the local media that her 4-year-old has been complaining about unusual noises and waking up in the middle of the night for a few weeks. The family didn’t smoke, but they noticed cigarette butts scattered throughout the house. Falls thinks the unidentified man may have spent two or three weeks living beneath their house. He may have been homeless, but the police could never identify him.


Psyco Murderer Phrogger

Psyco Murderer Phrogger

Daniel LaPlante, a disturbed 17-year-old from his Massachusetts village, became fixated with another adolescent called Tina Bowen in 1986. LaPlante hid in a wall hollow near the bathroom after breaking into the Bowen family’s house one night. He soon started harassing Tina’s relatives. In the home, he produced odd noises. He crept outside at night to eat something from the refrigerator and change the TV channel. When LaPlante eventually came out, he kidnapped Tina’s family. Fortunately, they managed to get away, and Daniel ran. He returned to the house a few days later; authorities detained him.

LaPlante broke into another family’s home two months later while on bail. Once inside, he abused and killed the expectant mother. Additionally, he killed her two little children. LaPlante was apprehended and found guilty of these offences following a statewide search. He is currently incarcerated for three life terms.


Celeb Stalker Turned Into Phrogger

Celeb Stalker Turned Into Phrogger

The gorgeous $10 million mansion in the Hamptons that singer Jennifer Lopez bought in May 2013 was advertised as having solitude. She quickly discovered that it was not the case. Police were called to the estate in August of that year after receiving a complaint of a suspicious individual on the property. When they arrived, John M. Dubis, 49, was taken into custody. When the police questioned him, they discovered he had been residing at the estate’s pool house covertly for a week. Lopez was thankfully out of town at the time. However, the singer and her family were baffled by the intrusion of the phrogger.

Due to this case, Dubis was accused of two crimes and two felonies, including burglary and stalking. Police found evidence that Dubis had reportedly been following Lopez for some time. The singer had already had a protective order against him, and he was known to her crew. A judge ordered Dubis to Suffolk County Jail in place of bail due to his judge’s concern over his potentially lethal fascination with the celebrity.


The Phrogger Neighbour

The Phrogger Neighbour

On a fine day in April 2021, Janece Galeano awoke from a slumber at her Cape Coral, Florida, home to the surprise of her life. The attic door was open in her garage, and a man’s legs were hanging out. She challenged him. He apologised and explained that he had entered the duplex from the opposite side. He then ascended once more into the attic. Galeano confronted her neighbour about it when she went next door. Still, the neighbour walked out of the home and denied going into her attic.

Janece alerted the authorities after noticing the intrusion. Before serving warrants, officers had travelled to the other side of the duplex. When the police arrived, they entered the attic and found $1,200 worth of damage. To get to Janece’s side, the man is said to have scaled his attic and smashed down a dividing wall. Police think he was the person they were looking for. He allegedly ran from the police by hiding in Janece’s attic. She confronted him, and before the police arrived, he ran away. Fortunately for Janece, the duplex neighbour was promptly evicted.

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