Top 5 Five World’s Dumbest Social Media Challenges

Disclaimer Alert: Pentlist is not in any way responsible for any damages or injuries that may be caused by participating in the listed top 5 five world’s dumbest social media challenges. Purpose of sharing this list is to make people aware and deter them from participating in such harmful activities.

Being social creatures, humans have an inborn need for attention. Some people will do anything for 15 minutes of fame. However, the internet makes it even easier to fool yourself in the name of likes. Phenomena like the Ice Bucket Challenge are harmless and raise money for good causes. Nevertheless, many social media challenges have proven to be incredibly dumbest. Some have even resulted in disfigurement, jail, and even death for the world’s dumbest people to perform them. Social media capitalizes on this need, which is why people love participating in viral challenges. The ALS ice bucket challenge and the mannequin challenge are two examples of social media challenges that can be entertaining and inspiring. However, some online problems are harmful and can have a lasting negative impact.

You may have heard of social media obsessions like the salt and ice challenge, the salt and cinnamon challenge, the Tide pod challenge, and the choking game or “blackout” challenge. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration issued a warning on the risks of medication abuse in response to the Sleepy Chicken challenge and the Benadryl challenge. Both of these social media challenges involve frying chicken in NyQuil. Teenagers’ growing minds make them vulnerable to social media difficulties. The prefrontal cortex, which controls rational cognition, does not fully develop until the mid-20s. Teenagers are more impulsive and likely to take action without fully considering the consequences.

Social media plays a negative role in this phenomenon by rewarding extreme behavior. The more outrageous the behavior, the greater the fame. Teenagers have a genuine fear of losing in this fast-paced, impulsive world. Teens’ immature capacity to consider the effects of their behaviors and choices is influenced by their environment. The fact that laundry detergent is a chemical that might burn their throats and harm their lungs isn’t always something that kids will stop to think about. Or that abusing drugs like diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and its analogs can result in life-threatening cardiac issues, seizures, and even coma. They will only emphasize that a popular student in the class did this and received many likes and comments.

Let’s jump to the list of the top 5 five of the world’s dumbest social media challenges:


The Banana Sprite Challenge

The Banana Sprite Challenge

The Banana Sprite Challenge is one of the world’s dumbest social media challenges. The completely unscientific idea behind this challenge is that you cannot simultaneously consume Sprite and bananas in your body. Regardless of how unscientific the claim may be, it contends that since your body cannot digest all of these substances simultaneously, it will reject both, leading you to vomit. There are countless YouTube videos of people trying the challenge and throwing everything back up, which we do not advise you to watch.

The amount of food and liquid the Banana Sprite Challenge requires is more likely to blame for the vomiting than the indigestibility of the banana-Sprite mixture. The task is to consume two bananas as rapidly as possible, followed by a liter of Sprite. The combination of eating and drinking that much so rapidly can easily cause nausea.


The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge

The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge

Kylie Jenner is a reality TV star known for her plump lips. Some teens have temporarily enlarged their lips with the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge. This is another world’s dumbest but most harmful challenge: people must put their lips and mouths inside a container and then suck the air out to create a vacuum. The lack of air pressure inside the container caused by the sucking causes their lips to temporarily plump, creating the short-term appearance of large lips.

Unfortunately, this looks ridiculous and can be painful, damaging, and cause permanent damage. The swelling expands blood vessels and can tear the sensitive skin of the lips and make them bleed. Some who attempted the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge sucked for so long that stitches were needed to repair the damage to their inflated lips. Teenagers should learn from these experiences how foolish and damaging it can be to participate in social media challenges without considering the repercussions.


The Hot Coil Challenge

The Hot Coil Challenge

Anyone may create whatever kind of social media challenges they want, no matter how risky or stupid, thanks to the power of the internet. The Hot Coil Challenge was invented by a couple of YouTubers, who turn on their stove and push their forearm over the scorching coils for as long as they can. Naturally, the person in the duo who put his arm in contact with the hot coils suffered third-degree burns, which he proudly displayed in the foul-mouthed film.

This craziest and world’s dumbest challenge was only available to users above the age of 18 on YouTube. Thankfully, the Hot Coil Challenge has not caught on with teens looking to permanently alter their appearance, maybe due to its obvious danger and implications. However, there will always be those who will do anything to gain attention, and copycats do exist.


The Cinnamon Challenge

The Cinnamon Challenge

Eat a tablespoon of cinnamon in 60 seconds without consuming any liquids as part of the Cinnamon Challenge. Although it seems simple, physicians say it is exceedingly difficult and sometimes hazardous. The issue is not consuming and digesting the cinnamon, which is, after all, a common spice. The issue is that attempting to consume that much cinnamon will set off the gag reflex, resulting in unintentional inhalation of cinnamon dust.

The lungs can be seriously damaged by cinnamon dust. It is caustic, which means that tissue can be burned or corroded by it. Your stomach won’t have an issue with this, but having a caustic substance in your lungs could be harmful. Additionally, cinnamon’s cellulose matrix cannot be digested, making it difficult to expel from the lungs. Although attempting this world’s dumbest challenge once is unlikely to result in “cinnamon lung.” It may set off an asthma attack, which in some cases can be fatal. However, numerous fans of social media challenges have tried the cinnamon challenge. 


The Fire Challenge

The Fire Challenge

In the “Fire Challenge,” participants lit themselves on fire by pouring flammable liquid over various body parts. They were meant to put it out quickly but in a natural way. Trying this world’s most hazardous and dumbest act sent several kids to the hospital with second and third-degree burns. When one 12-year-old girl covered herself in the rubbing alcohol that erupted out of control, she was completely consumed by flames (possibly due to the flammable perfume she was wearing). This challenge can cause severe physical harm while attempting it. It had also placed at least one woman in jail for aiding a minor’s crime when she assisted her son in making his own Fire Challenge video. It is one of the most dumbest social media challenges people have tried.

The “Fire Challenge” seems to have originated from Jack Jerry’s TikTok account. It features a video of the TikTok founder dousing a mirror in hairspray, turning out the lights, then setting the mirror on fire. This is obviously quite risky, and in a small area, it may easily end in disaster. Jerry has created various shapes in response to requests, such as a heart on the bathroom mirror. More than 747,800 people have seen and liked one of the videos. Jerry has 1.8 million followers and 35.9 million cumulative likes on the app, giving him significant influence.

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